Taken in the beloved bosque by Lela Wulsin

About Caro

With roots in the Midwest, I was raised by a food loving family. We often talk about what’s for dinner while we’re eating breakfast. I did not go to culinary school, instead my family story and my personal geography were my training.

Growing up, I spent the summers out on the Midcoast of Maine, where I was first immersed in the farm-to-table ethos. There it was a way of life, not a trend. This was really inspiring to me. Traveling is also where I have gained a significant amount of my cooking inspiration.

I currently live in the high desert of Santa Fe, NM.

Food Ethos & Sourcing

• Food sourcing matters, big time. Supporting local agriculture is a fundamental value for me and I source locally as much as possible. The more we support local agriculture, the more possibility there is for the system to keep thriving.

I have been in NM for almost 4 years now. In this time, I have cultivated many relationships with local producers. Turns out, the desert is way more fertile than many of us are led to believe.

• Working with seasonal ingredients is a part of my creative process! I enjoy working with what is available, letting the food show me the way. Some local farms I partner with:

Chispas Farm  | Solar Punk Farm  | Farm Shark  | Montoya Orchards  | Matt’s Mushroom Farm

Are you a local farm that wants to partner? Reach out!

• Food should be shared. 

• Trade / barter - I think it’s the best. Do you have extra produce laying around? Are you a body worker? Car mechanic? I’m open to exploring how we can swap services. 

In addition to my values of sourcing and ethics, I am committed to love, play, and pleasure. Food is all about pleasure when we allow ourselves to slow down and TASTE.

“The grower of trees, the gardener, the man born to farming,

whose hands reach into the ground and sprout,

to him the soil is a divine drug. He enters into death

yearly, and comes back rejoicing. He has seen the light lie down

in the dung heap, and rise again in the corn.

His thought passes along the row ends like a mole.

What miraculous seed has he swallowed

that the unending sentence of his love flows out of his mouth

like a vine clinging in the sunlight, and like water

descending in the dark?”

- Wendell Berry